Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sleeplessness and Home things

Sleeplessness has taken over my life recently. I've always been a night owl. Even after becoming a mother. But it's fit with our family's way of life, so it hasn't been an issue. But this week twice now I've been so unable to sleep I've wound up staying awake for ~24-30 hours. I had to miss school yesterday because I didn't trust myself to drive home afterwards, which would have been during my 28th hour of being up. I try to go to sleep, but I cannot shut off all the thoughts in my head. Even during a massage, I cannot relax or stop these constant thoughts. Thoughts about everything. Thoughts about nothing. Tonight I took some melatonin and drank sleepytime extra tea. I've also switched my normal calcium supplement to one with magnesium in it. Apparently it can help as well.

In the meantime, I've used this time away to my advantage. I have made amazing headway in both the girls' bedroom and in the toyroom. Organzing, cleaning, etc. Our kitchen and living room are looking better, too. And I've got paint colors picked out. Our living room and hallway are both a light blue. We're keeping that, but the accent wall extending from the living room into the kitchen will be a light orange. The rest of the kitchen will be a lighter orange/peach shade. The bathroom is going to be a nice, bright aqua. The girls' room will be a green shade. Our room will be a cream color (boring, I know!), and the toyroom yellow. A nice, warm, colorful house. Adding in shelves with pictures, and continuing to find a place for everything is making our house finally start to feel like home.

I especially noticed that while putting the toyroom together today. I am finding spots for all of the toys. And as I find those spots its starting to feel like an environment that's more conducive to playing and learning. I grew up in an organized house, but never got taught how it got that way. And as I'm learning these things, I realize how much of it is just common sense! But that's okay, I'm learning them and that's what counts!!!

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